jQuery UI plugin providing a multi-part progressbar
The multiprogressbar plugin provides a progress bar based on the basic jQuery UI progress bar widget but with the ability to split the progress into parts. Each part got it's own progress value and can be styled differently by providing class(es).
Similar to the basic progress bar, the multiprogressbar is created from a div element. The parts of the progress are provided as an array of objects and they are created in the order they appear within the array. The properties of the part objects are given in the section Options below.
Note: If the sum of the progress values exceeds 100, the progress will be truncated at 100 and the remaining parts will not be shown.
// Initialize the multiprogressbar
parts: [{value: 10, text: true, barClass: 'FirstPartClass'}, // First part: 10% progress, display progress, use class 'FirstPartClass' for the bar
{value: 20, text: 'Critical', textClass: 'redText'}, // Second part: 20% progress, display the text 'Critical', use class 'redTest' for the text
{value: 35, barClass: 'ThirdPartClass ExtraClass'}], // Third part: 35% progress, use classes 'ThirdPartClass' and 'ExtraClass' for the bar
complete: function() { alert('Full!'); } // Bind to the complete event during initialization
// Bind to the complete event after initialization
$('#MultiProgressBarDiv').bind('multiprogressbarcomplete', function() { alert('Complete!'); });
// Get the total progress
var total = $('#MultiProgressBarDiv').multiprogressbar('total');
The demo folder contains a demonstration of most of the features of the multiprogressbar plugin.
Live demos can be found at jsFiddle and JS Bin which can be used to play around with the plugin.
The documentation of all the options, methods and events can be found in the README on GitHub.
The plugin requires
The plugin has been successfully tested with jQuery 1.7.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.20 and it should be compatible with future versions as long as the implementation of the jQuery UI progressbar does not change significantly.
The plugin has also been tested to be compatible with jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 (using the jQuery UI progressbar widget) and it should be compatible with future versions as long as jQuery Mobile does not introduce a progressbar widget that significantly differs from the one provided by jQuery UI.
Copyright © 2012 Jochen Ulrich
Licensed under the MIT license.